THE HIP SOCIETY SCIENTIFIC AWARDSThe 2025 Scientific Awards: Call for Papers is now CLOSED!
Otto Aufranc, MD |
John Charnley, MD |
Frank Stinchfield, MD |
Submission Process
A paper submitted for consideration to The Hip Society may not be submitted also to The Knee Society, whose award cycle and process is similar. If a study is relevant to both hip and knee, submitters must choose only one Society for their submission.
Submitted papers must:
• Highlight quality basic science or clinical research specifically related to the hip joint.
• Be completely original work and may not be submitted to, and/or published in part or in whole in, any journal or electronic media prior to presentation at Specialty Day.
• Be in publishable form and adhere to the Journal of Arthroplasty manuscript guidelines.
• Be blinded.
All submissions must be submitted via The Hip Society portal, which is now closed.
The Hip Society Otto E. Aufranc Award:
Does hip arthroscopy improve the clinical outcome of a Periacetabular Osteotomy for the treatment of Hip Dysplasia? A Multi-Center Randomized Clinical Trial
Presented by: Paul E. Beaule, MD
The Hip Society Sir John Charnley Award:
The Impact of HLA Genotype on Bacterial Infection Rates and Successful Eradication in Total Hip Arthroplasty
Presented by: Michael E. Neufeld, MD, MSc, FRCSC
The Hip Society Frank E. Stinchfield Award:
Assembly and Dissociation Forces Differ Between Commonly Used Dual Mobility Implants: A Biomechanical Study
Presented by: Katherine E. Mallett, MD